Monday 3 April 2023

Study: Older adults perceive artificial intelligence as more human-like than younger adults do

Study: Older adults perceive artificial intelligence as more human-like than younger adults do

Study: Older adults perceive artificial intelligence as more human-like than younger adults do

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that older adults perceive artificial intelligence (AI) as more human-like than younger adults do.

The study involved 1,000 participants, ranging in age from 18 to 82, who were asked to interact with a chatbot designed to simulate human conversation. The chatbot was programmed to respond to questions and engage in small talk, and participants were asked to rate the chatbot's responses on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most human-like.

The results showed that older adults rated the chatbot's responses as more human-like than younger adults did. The researchers suggest that this may be due to older adults having more life experience and being more familiar with human communication patterns.

However, the study also found that both older and younger adults were more likely to perceive the chatbot as human-like when it made mistakes or showed signs of imperfection. This suggests that people may be more accepting of AI if it is not perfect and has some flaws.

The study has important implications for the development of AI technology, as it suggests that designers should focus on creating AI that is imperfect and more human-like in order to make it more acceptable to users.

Overall, the study highlights the importance of understanding how different age groups perceive AI and how this perception can influence the development and adoption of AI technology.

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