Thursday 20 April 2023

Self-navigating catamaran can carry cargo into war zones

Self-navigating catamaran can carry cargo into war zones

Self-navigating catamaran can carry cargo into war zones

War zones are often difficult to navigate and can be dangerous for humans. However, a new self-navigating catamaran has been developed that can carry cargo into these areas without risking human lives.

The catamaran is equipped with advanced navigation technology that allows it to navigate through dangerous waters and avoid obstacles. It can also be remotely controlled, which means that it can be operated from a safe distance.

The catamaran is designed to carry a variety of cargo, including food, medical supplies, and equipment. It has a large cargo hold that can be customized to meet the specific needs of each mission.

The self-navigating catamaran has already been used in several war zones around the world, including Syria and Yemen. It has proven to be a valuable asset for humanitarian organizations and military forces alike.

One of the main advantages of the self-navigating catamaran is that it can operate in areas where traditional cargo ships cannot. Its shallow draft allows it to navigate through shallow waters and reach areas that are inaccessible to larger vessels.

The catamaran is also environmentally friendly, as it is powered by solar panels and has a low carbon footprint. This makes it an ideal choice for organizations that are committed to sustainability.

In conclusion, the self-navigating catamaran is a game-changer for cargo transportation in war zones. Its advanced navigation technology, remote control capabilities, and ability to carry a variety of cargo make it an invaluable asset for humanitarian organizations and military forces.

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BuzzFeed to close news division, cut 15% of all staff

BuzzFeed to Close News Division and Cut 15% of All Staff

BuzzFeed to Close News Division and Cut 15% of All Staff

BuzzFeed, the popular digital media company, has announced that it will be closing its news division and cutting 15% of all staff. This decision comes as a result of the company's struggle to turn a profit in recent years.

The news division, which was responsible for producing investigative journalism and breaking news stories, will be merged with the company's entertainment division. This move is expected to result in the loss of around 220 jobs.

BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti explained the decision in a memo to staff, stating that "Unfortunately, revenue growth by itself isn't enough to be successful in the long run. The restructuring we are undertaking will reduce our costs and improve our operating model so we can thrive and control our own destiny, without ever needing to raise funding again."

While the news division was known for producing hard-hitting journalism, it was also responsible for some of BuzzFeed's most controversial stories. In 2017, the company faced backlash for publishing an unverified dossier on President Trump's alleged ties to Russia.

Despite the closure of the news division, BuzzFeed will continue to produce content in other areas, including entertainment, lifestyle, and food. The company has also stated that it will be investing in its commerce and licensing businesses.

The decision to close the news division and cut staff is a difficult one, but it is a necessary step for BuzzFeed to remain competitive in the digital media landscape. As the industry continues to evolve, it is likely that other companies will also need to make tough decisions in order to survive.

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Introducing translucent bricks

Introducing Translucent Bricks

Introducing Translucent Bricks

Translucent bricks are a new type of building material that have been gaining popularity in recent years. These bricks are made from a special type of plastic that allows light to pass through them, creating a unique and visually stunning effect.

Advantages of Translucent Bricks

  • Translucent bricks allow natural light to enter a building, reducing the need for artificial lighting and saving energy.
  • They create a unique and visually stunning effect, adding a modern and stylish touch to any building.
  • Translucent bricks are lightweight and easy to install, making them a popular choice for both residential and commercial buildings.
  • They are also durable and weather-resistant, making them a great choice for outdoor applications.

Applications of Translucent Bricks

Translucent bricks can be used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Exterior walls of buildings
  • Interior walls and partitions
  • Skylights and roof panels
  • Decorative features such as columns and arches


Translucent bricks are a versatile and visually stunning building material that offer a range of benefits over traditional bricks. Whether you are building a new home or renovating an existing one, consider using translucent bricks to add a modern and stylish touch to your project.

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Built to bounce back: Robotics researchers design drone to cope with collisions

Built to Bounce Back: Robotics Researchers Design Drone to Cope with Collisions

Built to Bounce Back: Robotics Researchers Design Drone to Cope with Collisions

Robotics researchers have designed a new drone that is built to bounce back from collisions. The drone, called the GimBall, is equipped with a protective cage that allows it to safely navigate through tight spaces and even bounce off walls without crashing.

The GimBall was developed by researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). The drone is designed to be used in environments where collisions are likely, such as search and rescue missions or inspections of hazardous areas.

GimBall Drone

The GimBall's protective cage is made of carbon fiber and is designed to absorb the impact of collisions. The cage also allows the drone to roll along the ground and even climb up walls, making it highly maneuverable in tight spaces.

The drone's collision-resistant design is based on the behavior of insects, which are able to navigate through complex environments without crashing. The GimBall's cage is inspired by the exoskeletons of insects, which protect their bodies from collisions.

The GimBall is also equipped with a camera and sensors that allow it to navigate through environments with low visibility. The drone can be controlled remotely or can fly autonomously using its sensors to avoid obstacles.

The GimBall has already been tested in a variety of environments, including a nuclear power plant and a collapsed building. The drone's ability to navigate through tight spaces and bounce back from collisions makes it a valuable tool for search and rescue missions and inspections of hazardous areas.

The GimBall is just one example of how robotics researchers are using nature-inspired designs to create drones that can navigate through complex environments. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative designs that push the boundaries of what drones are capable of.

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Study seeks to define quantum compression

Study seeks to define quantum compression

Study seeks to define quantum compression

A new study is seeking to define quantum compression, a process that could revolutionize data storage and transmission. The study, conducted by a team of researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, aims to develop a better understanding of how quantum compression works and how it can be applied in practical applications.

What is quantum compression?

Quantum compression is a process that involves reducing the size of data by using quantum mechanics. Unlike classical compression techniques, which rely on mathematical algorithms to compress data, quantum compression uses the principles of quantum mechanics to compress data in a more efficient way.

Why is quantum compression important?

Quantum compression has the potential to revolutionize data storage and transmission. With the exponential growth of data in recent years, traditional data storage methods are becoming increasingly inadequate. Quantum compression could provide a solution to this problem by allowing for more efficient storage and transmission of data.

How does quantum compression work?

Quantum compression works by exploiting the properties of quantum mechanics. In particular, it relies on the fact that quantum systems can exist in multiple states at the same time. By encoding data into these multiple states, quantum compression can reduce the size of the data without losing any information.

What are the practical applications of quantum compression?

Quantum compression has a wide range of potential applications, including:

  • More efficient data storage
  • Faster data transmission
  • Improved security for sensitive data
  • Reduced energy consumption in data centers


The study of quantum compression is an exciting area of research with the potential to revolutionize data storage and transmission. By developing a better understanding of how quantum compression works, researchers can pave the way for practical applications that could benefit society in a variety of ways.

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EU parliament approves world's most sweeping cryptocurrency rules

EU Parliament Approves World's Most Sweeping Cryptocurrency Rules

EU Parliament Approves World's Most Sweeping Cryptocurrency Rules

The European Parliament has approved new rules that will regulate cryptocurrencies and bring them under the same anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) rules as traditional financial institutions.

The new rules, which were approved by a vote of 574 to 13 with 60 abstentions, are the most sweeping cryptocurrency regulations in the world and will require cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet providers to identify their customers and report any suspicious activity to authorities.

The regulations also include provisions for the creation of a central database of cryptocurrency users and their transactions, which will be accessible to authorities across the EU.

While some cryptocurrency advocates have criticized the regulations as overly burdensome and potentially damaging to innovation in the industry, others have welcomed the move as a necessary step towards greater legitimacy and mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies.

"This is a positive development for the cryptocurrency industry," said Thomas Lee, co-founder of Fundstrat Global Advisors. "It will help to weed out bad actors and increase confidence in the market."

Key Provisions of the Regulations

  • Cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet providers must register with authorities and verify the identity of their customers.
  • Exchanges and wallet providers must report any suspicious activity to authorities.
  • A central database of cryptocurrency users and their transactions will be created.
  • Authorities will have access to the database and will be able to request information from exchanges and wallet providers.
  • Penalties for non-compliance with the regulations include fines and the suspension or revocation of licenses.

The regulations are expected to come into effect in 2020 and will apply to all EU member states.

While the regulations may pose challenges for some cryptocurrency businesses, they are seen as a necessary step towards greater legitimacy and mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies. As the industry continues to evolve and mature, it is likely that we will see further regulation and oversight in the coming years.

For more information on the new regulations, visit the European Commission's website.

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Nokia profits down, sees economy impacting client spending

Nokia Profits Down

Nokia Profits Down, Sees Economy Impacting Client Spending

Nokia, the Finnish telecommunications company, has reported a decline in profits for the first quarter of 2021. The company has cited the impact of the global economy on client spending as the primary reason for the decline.

Nokia's net profit for the first quarter was €107 million, down from €314 million in the same period last year. The company's revenue also fell by 3% to €5.08 billion.

Nokia CEO, Pekka Lundmark, said in a statement, "We expected that the first quarter would be challenging, however, we believe that we are on the right track to deliver on our full-year 2021 guidance." Lundmark also noted that the company's focus on 5G technology and cost savings measures would help to improve profitability in the coming quarters.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the global economy, with many businesses and individuals cutting back on spending. This has affected Nokia's clients, who are primarily telecommunications companies and governments. The company has also faced increased competition from rivals such as Huawei and Ericsson.

Despite the challenges, Nokia remains optimistic about its future prospects. The company has recently signed several major contracts, including a deal with T-Mobile to expand its 5G network in the United States. Nokia is also investing heavily in research and development to stay ahead of its competitors.

Overall, Nokia's decline in profits is a reflection of the challenging economic environment that many businesses are facing. However, the company's focus on innovation and cost savings measures should help to improve profitability in the coming quarters.

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US invests in alternative solar tech, more solar for renters

US Invests in Alternative Solar Tech, More Solar for Renters

US Invests in Alternative Solar Tech, More Solar for Renters

The United States government has recently announced a new initiative to invest in alternative solar technology and make it more accessible for renters. This move is part of the country's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and transition to cleaner energy sources.

Traditionally, homeowners have been the primary beneficiaries of solar energy, as they have the ability to install solar panels on their roofs. However, this has left renters at a disadvantage, as they do not have the same level of control over their living spaces. The new initiative aims to change this by making it easier for renters to access solar energy.

Alternative Solar Technology

The US government is investing in alternative solar technology, such as community solar and shared solar programs. These programs allow multiple households to share the benefits of a single solar installation, making it more cost-effective and accessible for renters. Community solar programs, for example, allow renters to subscribe to a solar energy project and receive credits on their utility bills for the energy produced.

More Solar for Renters

In addition to investing in alternative solar technology, the US government is also working to make it easier for renters to install solar panels on their rented properties. This includes providing incentives for landlords to install solar panels and working with local governments to streamline the permitting process for solar installations.

By investing in alternative solar technology and making it more accessible for renters, the US is taking a step towards a cleaner and more sustainable future. This initiative not only benefits the environment but also helps to reduce energy costs for households and create new job opportunities in the solar industry.

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US imposes $300mn penalty on Seagate over Huawei shipments

US imposes $300mn penalty on Seagate over Huawei shipments

US imposes $300mn penalty on Seagate over Huawei shipments

The US government has imposed a $300 million penalty on Seagate Technology for violating US export control laws by shipping hard disk drives to Huawei Technologies, a Chinese telecommunications company that is on the US government's entity list.

The penalty was announced by the US Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) on Monday. According to the BIS, Seagate shipped around 160 shipments of hard disk drives to Huawei between 2010 and 2015, despite knowing that the products were destined for Huawei's subsidiaries in Iran.

The BIS said that Seagate's actions violated the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), which prohibit the export, re-export, or transfer of certain items to certain countries, entities, and individuals without a license from the US government.

"Seagate's actions were clearly unacceptable, and this penalty reflects the seriousness of the violations," said Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo in a statement. "We will continue to work with our partners to enforce US export control laws and protect our national security."

The penalty is the latest in a series of actions taken by the US government against Huawei and its suppliers. In 2019, the US government added Huawei to its entity list, citing national security concerns. The move effectively banned US companies from doing business with Huawei without a license from the US government.

Since then, the US government has taken a number of steps to restrict Huawei's access to US technology and products. In May 2020, the US Department of Commerce announced new rules that would require foreign companies that use US technology to obtain a license before selling certain products to Huawei.

Seagate has not yet commented on the penalty.

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Surface steers signals for next-gen networks

Surface Steers Signals for Next-Gen Networks

Surface Steers Signals for Next-Gen Networks

As the world becomes increasingly connected, the demand for faster and more reliable networks is growing. Next-generation networks, such as 5G, promise to deliver lightning-fast speeds and low latency, but they also require new technologies to ensure that signals are transmitted and received accurately.

One such technology is surface steering, which involves using a specially designed surface to manipulate the direction of electromagnetic waves. By carefully controlling the surface's shape and composition, engineers can steer signals in specific directions, reducing interference and improving overall network performance.

How Surface Steering Works

Surface steering is based on the principle of metamaterials, which are artificial materials that can manipulate electromagnetic waves in ways that are not possible with natural materials. Metamaterials are made up of tiny structures that are smaller than the wavelength of the waves they are designed to manipulate.

When an electromagnetic wave encounters a metamaterial surface, the tiny structures cause the wave to bend and scatter in specific directions. By carefully designing the surface's structure, engineers can control the direction of the scattered waves, effectively steering the signal in a desired direction.

Applications of Surface Steering

Surface steering has a wide range of applications in next-generation networks. For example, it can be used to:

  • Improve signal strength and reduce interference in crowded urban environments
  • Direct signals around obstacles, such as buildings or trees
  • Enable high-speed, low-latency communication between autonomous vehicles
  • Improve the performance of wireless charging systems

The Future of Surface Steering

As next-generation networks continue to evolve, surface steering is likely to play an increasingly important role in ensuring that signals are transmitted and received accurately. Researchers are already exploring new materials and designs that could further improve the performance of surface steering systems, paving the way for even faster and more reliable networks in the future.

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