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Thursday, 27 April 2023

Children have been interacting in the metaverse for years—what parents need to know about keeping them safe

Children in the Metaverse: Keeping Them Safe

Children have been interacting in the metaverse for years—what parents need to know about keeping them safe

The metaverse is a virtual world where people can interact with each other through avatars. It has been around for years, and children have been a part of it for just as long. While the metaverse can be a fun and educational experience for children, it is important for parents to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to keep their children safe.

What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse is a virtual world that allows people to interact with each other through avatars. It is a place where people can create their own virtual identities and explore different environments. The metaverse is not just a game, but a social platform where people can connect with others from all over the world.

Potential Risks for Children

While the metaverse can be a fun and educational experience for children, there are potential risks that parents should be aware of. These risks include:

  • Exposure to inappropriate content
  • Interacting with strangers
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Identity theft

How to Keep Children Safe in the Metaverse

Parents can take steps to keep their children safe in the metaverse. These steps include:

  • Setting up parental controls
  • Teaching children about online safety
  • Monitoring their child's activity in the metaverse
  • Encouraging children to report any inappropriate behavior


The metaverse can be a fun and educational experience for children, but it is important for parents to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to keep their children safe. By setting up parental controls, teaching children about online safety, monitoring their activity, and encouraging them to report any inappropriate behavior, parents can help ensure that their children have a positive experience in the metaverse.

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