Monday 27 March 2023

Fix to stop leak at Xcel's nuclear plant Minnesota did not work, prompting shutdown

Fix to Stop Leak at Xcel's Nuclear Plant Minnesota Did Not Work, Prompting Shutdown

Fix to Stop Leak at Xcel's Nuclear Plant Minnesota Did Not Work, Prompting Shutdown

Xcel Energy's nuclear plant in Minnesota was shut down recently after a fix to stop a leak did not work. The plant, located in Monticello, was shut down on August 7th after the leak was discovered.

The leak was found in a pipe that carries radioactive water from the reactor to a storage tank. The fix that was attempted involved sealing the pipe with a special putty. However, the putty did not hold and the leak continued.

Xcel Energy has stated that there was no danger to the public or the environment during the shutdown. The company also stated that they are working to determine the cause of the leak and to develop a new fix.

The Monticello plant has had a history of issues in recent years. In 2013, the plant was shut down for several months due to a crack in the reactor vessel head. In 2017, the plant was shut down for several weeks due to a different leak.

The Monticello plant is one of two nuclear plants operated by Xcel Energy in Minnesota. The other plant, located in Prairie Island, has also had its share of issues in recent years.

The failure of the fix to stop the leak at the Monticello plant highlights the importance of proper maintenance and safety procedures at nuclear plants. Xcel Energy has stated that they are committed to ensuring the safety of their employees and the public.

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